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65 Romantic French Phrases and Words Worth Swooning Over

When you think of the most romantic language on earth, you probably think of French. As the most Googled language for romantic expressions, French is undoubtedly the language of love. Whether your goal is to move to Paris to find the love of your life or to take a romantic vacation with your current love, learning these romantic French phrases can take you to the next level!

“I love you” and other romantic French words

young couple standing in colorful street in montmartre using romantic French phrases

There are many phrases about love in French. The most useful phrase to know how to say is  “I love you” in French: je t’aime. This phrase is the quintessential expression for expressing romantic love in French. For telling your friends you love them, use je t’adore instead!

Another common romantic French word is bisous. Literally meaning “kisses,” this is a common way to say goodbye to a friend or romantic partner. Think of it as the French version of “XOXO.”

In addition to the French word for love (l’amour), here are some other simple, romantic French words:

French English
l’amitié (f) friendship
l’amour (m) love
l’anniversaire de mariage (m) wedding anniversary
une bague a ring
un câlin a hug
le cœur heart
un copain/un petit ami a boyfriend
une copine/une petite amie a girlfriend
un époux/une épouse spouse (m/f)
une femme a wife
les fiançailles (f) engagement
un(e) fiancé(e) a fiancé(e)
les fleurs (f) flowers
une lune de miel a honeymoon
un mari a husband
un mariage/des noces (f) a wedding, nuptials
la Saint-Valentin Valentine’s Day
un sourire a smile

To ensure you are saying these romantic French phrases with accurate pronunciation, be sure to utilize Rosetta Stone’s TruAccent speech recognition engine. Immediate feedback on your French pronunciation will make you sound like a native speaker in no time!

Take action with these romantic French verbs

Beyond simple French love phrases, these verbs can help you feel ready to take action in your French learning journey and your romantic life!

French English
adorer to adore
aimer to love
draguer to flirt
embrasser to kiss
en pincer pour quelqu’un to have a crush on someone
épouser/se marier avec to get married
faire un câlin à/se prendre dans les bras to hug (literally to take in your arms)
galocher to French kiss
manquer (à quelqu’un)* to miss (someone)
se fiancer (à/avec) to get engaged (to)
se marier (avec) to get married (to)
se tenir la main to hold hands
sortir avec to go out with
tomber amoureux/amoureuse de to fall in love with (m/f)

*Pay attention to the verb manquer (to miss): You’ll notice it is backwards in French. Tu me manques is actually how you say “I miss you,” even though it literally means “You are missing from me.” 

If you’re really ready to take romantic action, be sure to memorize the question Veux-tu m’épouser ? for when you want to pop the big question!

Terms of endearment in French

While some of these might sound strange to us English speakers, all of the following French phrases or French nouns are commonly used by French speakers.

French English
mon amour my love
mon ange my angel
ma beauté my beauty
mon beau/ma belle my handsome/my beautiful
mon chéri/ma chérie my dear
mon chou my cabbage
mon cœur my heart
mon lapin my rabbit
mon trésor my treasure

Romantic French phrases to express deep love

senior couple hugging happily in front of a building

When you know you’ve found the one, use one of these French love phrases to say just how much you love them.

French English
J’ai besoin de toi. I need you.
Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi. I can’t live without you.
Je pense toujours à toi. I’m always thinking about you.
Je t’aime de tout mon cœur. I love you with all my heart.
Je t’aime plus qu’hier et moins que demain. I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
Je t’aimerai pour toujours. I will love you forever.
Mon cœur t’appartient. My heart belongs to you.
Tu es la personne de mes rêves. You are the person of my dreams.
Tu me rends dingue. You make me crazy.

Phrases to give a compliment or just to flirt

There are many French phrases about love that can help you express your romantic side. Give someone a compliment or strike up a conversation in French to really impress them. You’ll be a natural dragueur or dragueuse (flirt) in no time!

French English
Je craque pour toi. I have a crush on you.
Tu as de beaux yeux. You have beautiful eyes.
Tu as un beau sourire. You have a beautiful smile.
Tu es canon. You are hot.
Tu es incroyable. You are incredible.
Tu es trop mignon(ne). You are too cute (m/f).
Tu n’aurais pas de feu ? Would you happen to have a light?
Tu veux mon 06 ? Do you want my number?
Tu viens souvent ici ? Do you come here often?

Other expressions in French about love and relationships

Although there are many beautiful French words, these phrases about love in French can help you bring your language to the next level.

French English translation English expression
avoir le coeur d’artichaut to have the artichoke’s heart to fall in love easily
avoir le cœur qui bat la chamade to have the heart that beats wildly to have your heart beating out of your chest
avoir un coup de foudre to have a lightning strike to have love at first sight
être fleur bleue to be a blue flower to be very romantic
tenir la chandelle to hold the candle to be the third wheel
vivre d’amour et d’eau fraîche to live on love and fresh water to live on love alone

If all of these romantic French phrases have you feeling like you’re ready to jet off on a dreamy trip for two to Paris, Rosetta Stone is here to help. Use Live Lessons to get real-time instruction with a native speaker, or download the Rosetta Stone app to improve your French wherever you go. Master the most romantic language on Earth with Rosetta Stone!

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