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Learn the Names of 121+ Animals in French From Pets to Predators

One of the most fun things to learn in any new language is how to talk about animals. Whether you’re strolling through the zoo in the Bois de Vincennes in Paris, visiting the lemurs in Madagascar, or talking to your pets in French, knowing how to say animals in French can enhance any animal experience!

How to say ‘animal’ in French

The word for “animal” in French is super easy — animal — which is pronounced “ah-nee-mahl.” This word is a perfect French cognate, but one peculiarity is that its plural form (animals) is not as obvious: animaux (ah-nee-moh).

Names of les animaux domestiques (pets) in French

Everyone loves talking about their pets! There are two different ways to say “pet” in French: animal domestique or animal de compagnie. Like all French nouns, each animal name has its own gender, although most are masculine. Certain animals have different forms or words for their female counterparts, but for the most part, the genders listed below are used. 

If you’re struggling with French gender rules, Rosetta Stone can help you learn more naturally without the need for memorization!

French Pronunciation English
le chaméléon kah-may-lay-ohn the chameleon
le chat shah the cat
le chaton shah-tohn the kitten
le chien shee-ehn the dog
le chiot shee-oh the puppy
le cochon d’Inde ko-shohn dahnd the guinea pig
le furet foo-ray the ferret
la gerbille jer-bee the gerbil
le hamster ahm-stair the hamster
le hérisson air-ee-sohn the hedgehog
le lézard lay-zar the lizard
le lézard à barbe lay-zar-ah-barb the bearded dragon
l’oiseau (m) wah-zoh the bird
le poisson pwah-sohn the fish
le poisson rouge pwah-sohn-rouj the goldfish
le serpent sair-puhn the snake

How to talk about your pets in French

The verb avoir (to have) is essential in discussing pets in French. Being able to conjugate this common French verb can take your French conversation to the next level. The examples below use the formal “you,” but you can decide when to use tu or vous depending on the situation.

  • Avez-vous un animal domestique ? = Do you have a pet?
  • Vous avez combien d’animaux de compagnie ? = You have how many pets?
  • J’ai deux chiens. = I have two dogs.
  • Je n’ai pas d’animal domestique. = I don’t have any pets.

Les animaux du zoo (zoo animals) in French

From the massive ZooParc de Beauval in France to the Zoo de Granby in Quebec, there are many zoos to discover all around the French-speaking world. Be prepared for a visit with the French names of the animals you might encounter.

French Pronunciation English
l’alligator (m) ah-lee-gah-tohr the alligator
le flamant flah-mahn the flamingo
la girafe jee-rahf the giraffe
le gorille gohr-ee the gorilla
le kangourou kang-ooh-roo the kangaroo
le koala koh-ah-la the koala
le lion lee-ohn the lion
la loutre loo-truh the otter
le manchot mahnsh-oh the penguin
l’ours (m) ooh-rs the bear
le panda pahn-dah the panda
le singe sah-nj the monkey
le tigre tee-gruh the tiger
le zèbre zeh-bruh the zebra

Les animaux de la ferme (farm animals) in French: names and sounds

Beyond major cities and their zoos, there are charming rural areas begging to be explored. Communities all over the French-speaking world cherish their farm animals. 

French Pronunciation English
l’âne (m) ahn the donkey
le canard kah-nar the duck
le cheval shuh-vahl the horse
le cochon koh-shohn the pig
le coq kohk the rooster
le dindon dahn-dohn the turkey
le mouton moo-tohn the sheep
l’oie (f) wah the goose
la poule pool the chicken
le poussin poo-sahn the chick
la vache vah-sh the cow

Animal sounds in French

Although animals do not make different sounds in different countries, their sounds are interpreted uniquely depending on the language. In French, these onomatopoeias vary slightly from ours.

Animal French Onomatopoeia English Onomatopoeia
cat miaou meow
chick piou piou cheep
cow meuh moo
dog ouaf ouaf woof woof
donkey hi-han hee-haw
duck coin coin quack quack
pig groin groin oink oink
rooster coquericot cock-a-doodle-doo
sheep bêê baa
turkey glou glou glou gobble gobble

French idioms that use animals

As in English, there are idioms in French that use animals. Idioms can help you level up your language and sound more like a native speaker!

French Idiom Literal Translation English Idiom
appeler un chat un chat to call a cat a cat to call a spade a spade
faire le froid d’un canard to be a duck’s cold to be really cold outside
quand les poules auront les dents when chickens have teeth when pigs fly
revenons à nos moutons let’s get back to our sheep let’s get back on track

Les animaux de la forêt (forest animals) in French

roe deer in European forest

Headed to tour Quebec or to hike through Switzerland? If you’re someone who prefers to explore nature, knowing these forest animals will help you narrate your journey through one of the many beautiful forests throughout the French-speaking world.

French Pronunciation English
le cerf sairf the deer
la chauve-souris shohv soo-ree the bat
la chouette shoo-ett the owl (with feathers on head)
le crapaud crah-poh the toad
l’écureuil (m) ay-cure-oy the squirrel
l’élan (Fr) / l’orignal (Can) (both m) ay-lahn / or-ee-nyal the moose
le hibou ee-boo the owl (with no feathers on head)
la mouffette moo-fett the skunk
l’ours brun (m) ooh-rs bruhn the brown bear
l’ours noir (m) ooh-rs noo-ar the black bear
le raton laveur rah-tohn lah-vair the raccoon
la souris soo-ree the mouse

Les animaux du désert et de la savane (savanna and desert animals) in French

There are over 25 countries in Africa that speak French. Although many of these animals are also found in the zoo, get ready for your safari adventures in a French-speaking African country with these desert and savanna animals!

French Pronunciation English
le babouin bah-boo-ahn the baboon
le chameau shah-mo the camel
l’émeu (m) ay-muh the emu
le fourmilier foor-mee-lee-ay the anteater
la gazelle gah-zell the gazelle
la girafe jee-rahf the giraffe
le gorille gohr-ee the gorilla
la hyène ee-enn the hyena
le scorpion skor-pee-ohn the scorpion
le singe sah-nj the monkey
le suricate soo-ree-kaht the meerkat
le tigre tee-gruh the tiger
le phacochère fah-ko-shair the warthog
le zèbre zeh-bruh the zebra

Les animaux marins (marine animals) in French

Whether you are headed to the Caribbean or one of the coasts of France, there are many marine animals to discover. If being near the ocean is more your speed, use the following tables to be ready for your next beach adventure. 

French Pronunciation English
la baleine bah-lenn the whale
le crabe krahb the crab
le dauphin doh-fahn the dolphin
l’étoile de mer (f) ay-twol duh mair the starfish
l’hippocampe (m) ee-poh-kahmp the seahorse
le homard oh-mar the lobster
le macareux mah-kah-ruh the puffin
la méduse may-dooz the jellyfish
l’ours polaire / l’ours blanc (m) ooh-rs poh-lair, ooh-rs blahn the polar bear
le phoque fohk the seal
la pieuvre pee-uh-vruh the octopus
le requin ruh-kahn the shark
la tortue marine tor-too mah-reen the sea turtle

Les insectes (insects) in French

Whether you love them or hate them, bugs are everywhere! In France, traveling to Provence means listening to the peaceful sound of cicadas. Knowing how to say insects in French can be useful in a variety of situations.

French Pronunciation English
l’abeille (f) ah-bay the bee
le cafard kah-far the cockroach
la chenille shen-ee the caterpillar
la cigale see-gahl the cicada
la coccinelle kohk-see-nell the ladybug
le coléoptère koh-lay-ope-tair the beetle
la fourmis foor-mee the ant
le grillon gree-ohn the cricket
la libellule lee-bell-ool the dragonfly
la mouche moosh the fly
le moustique moo-steek the mosquito
le papillon pah-pee-ohn the butterfly
la sauterelle soh-tair-ell the grasshopper

Les animaux du monde francophone (animals of the French-speaking world)

There are many Francophone (French-speaking) locales with their own unique species of animals. Discover some uniquely French animals from around the world. 

Animals in Madagascar

lemur in tree in Madagascar

Madagascar is one of the most unique places on earth when it comes to animals. Around 85% of the animals in Madagascar can only be found there! Since French is one of the official languages of Madagascar, it is a no-brainer to study these animal words in French ahead of time. You’ll definitely want to know the word lémurien (lemur), as there are over 110 species of lemurs to discover in Madagascar. 

French Pronunciation English
l’aigrette (f) ay-gret the egret
le chaméléon kah-may-lay-ohn the chameleon
la colombe koh-lohmb the dove
le corbeau kor-boh the crow
le gecko geh-koh the gecko
la grenouille gruh-nwee the frog
l’iguane (m) ee-gwan the iguana
le lémurien lay-mur-ee-ahn the lemur
le martin-pêcheur mar-tahn-pesh-air the kingfisher
le perroquet pair-oh-kay the parrot
la roussette roo-set the flying fox

French names for animals from Martinique, Guadeloupe, & the Caribbean

Another popular destination for travel is the Caribbean. Martinique and Guadeloupe have many unique animals to see and talk about on your next trip. Take a stroll through the Jardin de Balata in Martinique or the Guadeloupe Zoo!

French Pronunciation English
le faucon pèlerin foh-kohn-pell-er-ahn the peregrine falcon
le fou aux pieds rouges foo-oh-pee-ay-rouj the red-footed booby
le grand héron grahn-air-ohn the great blue heron
le grand requin blanc grahn-ruh-kahn-blahn the great white shark
l’orque (f) ork the killer whale
le pélican pay-lee-kahn the pelican
le poisson-lune pwah-ssohn-loon the ocean sunfish
la tortue luth tor-too-loot the leatherback sea turtle

Grammar rules for French animal names

When you write or speak about French animals, there are a few grammar rules that will help you be more clear. 

How to make animal names plural in French

It is most common in French to simply add an -s when making a word plural. But most animal names (and words) in French that end in -al change to -aux for their plural form, like animaux. There are also a few French animal names that end in -u, like chameau and oiseau, that use an -x instead of an -s.

  • l’anima (the animal)
    • les animaux (the animals)
  • le chameau (the camel)
    • les chameaux (the camels)
  • l’oiseau (the bird)
    • les oiseaux (the birds)

Using articles with French animal names

Beyond pluralizing the word itself, you’ll need to know how to use articles in French with animals.  

  • If the singular article is definite (the) and uses le, la, or l’ (before a vowel), the pluralized version is les.
    • l’animal (the animal) becomes les animaux (the animals)
  • If the singular article is indefinite (a/some) and uses un or une, the pluralized version is des.
    • un animal (an animal) becomes des animaux (some animals)

Pronunciation of animals in French

Several French animal words (along with lots of French words) end in a nasal sound, noted with the -hn ending. These words do not end in a hard “n” sound, but rather the “n” sound trails off. Examples are -on, -en, -ant, and -ent. Rosetta Stone’s TruAccent speech recognition engine can help you master nasal sounds and other French pronunciations!

Learn more about animals in French with Rosetta Stone

Knowing how to say animals in French is a great tool when traveling and for having meaningful conversations with fellow animal lovers in French. In addition to animal names, Rosetta Stone can help you expand your vocabulary to habitats, colors, verbs, and much more. Consider live lessons, as real-time instruction with a native speaker is sure to fast-track your French and allow you to gain access to the French-speaking world!

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