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Vocabulary Booster: 203 Animals in German

Learning the names of animals in German is a great way to give yourself cultural context. From the trademark discourse of ecological protection you’re bound to hear in Germany to German idioms like “Wo der Bär steppt” (where the bear dances), animals influence much of German culture. Thanks to similarities between English and German, there are many animal names in German that are either similar or identical to their English names, such as der Hamster (the hamster), making German easy to learn. Read on to expand your vocabulary with over 200 animals in the German language.

Common pets and animals in German households

man in a meadow hugging a dog using names for animals in german

Naming animals in German households can go beyond pet names like “Spot” or “Thor.” Show your fellow German speakers that you know how to speak German by being able to identify their pets and your own by their species’ true name. Keep an eye out for how many German words match the sound or spelling of the English word!

German Animal and Article Pronunciation English Translation
der Ara AH-rah the macaw
der Boxer BOHX-er the boxer
der Chihuahua chi-HWA-hwa the chihuahua
der Dackel/Dachshund DAHK-el/DAHKS-hoont the dachshund
die Dogge Doh-geh the great dane
die Eidechse EYE-dek-suh the lizard
der Fink FEENK the finch
der Fisch FISH the fish
das Frettchen FRET-chuhn the ferret
der Gecko GEH-koh the gecko
der Goldfisch GOHLT-fish the goldfish
der Hamster HAHM-stuhr the hamster
der Husky HUS-kee the husky
der Kanarienvogel kah-NAH-REE-en-FOH-guhl the canary
das Kaninchen kah-NEEN-chuhn the rabbit
der Kater CAT-er the tomcat/male cat
die Katze KAHT-stuh the cat
der Labrador LAH-brah-DOOR the labrador
das Meerscheinchen MEHR-SHVINE-chuhn the guinea pig
die Maus MOWS the mouse
der Papagei pah-pah-GUY the parrot
das Pony POH-nee the pony
der Pudel POO-del the poodle
die Ratte RAH-tuh the rat
die Schildkröte SHILT-kroe-tuh the turtle
die Schlange SHLAHNG-uh the snake
der Siamkater ZEE-amh-KAH-ter the siamese cat
der Wellensittich VEH-len-ZIT-tich the budgerigar (“budgie” bird)
der Welpe WEL-puh the puppy
die Wüstenrennmaus VOO-sten-ren-MOWS the gerbil

German farm animals

Agriculture has been vital to sustaining life in Germany for hundreds if not thousands of years, and we can see this in the similarities in the names of animals in German to their English counterparts. This proves the deep historical connection to the creature and how this connection can withstand the test of time and the linguistic expansion of newly forming languages. Now you can be a part of this tradition by memorizing this list of German names for farm animals.

German Animal and Article Pronunciation English Translation
der Bulle BOOL-eh the bull
das Dromedar DROH-meh-dahr the dromedary
die Ente EN-tuh the duck
der Esel AYE-sel the donkey
das Ferkel FEHR-kuhl the piglet
die Gans GAHNS the goose
das Huhn HOON the chicken
die Henne HEN-uh the hen
das Kalb KALP the calf
die Kuh KOO the cow
das Lama LAH-mah the llama
das Lamm LAM the lamb
das Maultier MOWL-teer the mule
das Mutterschaf MOOT-er-SHAHF the ewe
der Ochse OHX-uh the ox
der Pfau PFOW the peacock
das Pferd PFEHRT the horse
der Rammler RAHM-ler the buck rabbit
das Rentier ren-TEER the reindeer
das Schaf SHAHF the sheep
der Schäferhund SHEY-fer-HOONT the sheepherding dog
die Schnecke SHNEK-uh the snail
das Schwein SHVINE the pig
die Stute SHTOO-tuh the mare
das Trampeltier TRAHM-pel-TEER the camel
der Truthahn TROOT-han the turkey
der Uhu OO-HOO the owl
das Wiesel VEE-sel the weasel
der Ziegenbock TSEE-ghen-BOC the billy goat
die Ziege TSEE-guh the goat

German marine animals

Sometimes naming animals in German requires getting yourself wet! Dive into deep waters with the aquatic German animals listed here:

German Animal and Article Pronunciation English Translation
der Aal AHL the eel
die Auster OW-ster the oyster
der Barrakuda BAH-RAH-KOO-DAH the barracuda
der Blauwal BLOU-vahl the blue whale
der Blobfisch BLOB-fish the blobfish
der Clownfish CLOUN-fish the clownfish
der Delfin del-FEEN the dolphin
der Dorsch DORSH the cod
der Fächerfisch FAE-cher-FISH the sailfish
der Flusskrebs FLOOS-krebs the crayfish
die Flunder FLOON-der the flounder
der Garnele gar-NEH-luh the shrimp
der Hai HIGH the shark
der Hammerhai HAH-mer-HIGH the hammerhead shark
der Hering HEY-ring the herring
der Hummer HOO-mer the lobster
die Jakobsmuschel YAH-kops-MOOS-schel the scallop
der Kalmar KAL-mar the squid
der Kabeljau KAH-bel-YOW the Atlantic cod
die Koralle koh-RAH-luh the coral
die Krabbe KRAH-buh the crab
das Krokodil kroh-coh-DIL the crocodile
der Kugelfisch KOO-gel-fish the pufferfish
der Lachs LAHX the salmon
der Laternenfisch lah-TERN-nen-FISH the lanternfish
der Makohai MAH-koh-high the mako shark
die Makrele mah-KREH-luh the mackerel
der Manta MAHN-tah the manta ray
die Meduse meh-DOO-zuh the jellyfish
die Muräne moo-RAEH-nuh the moray eel
das Nilpferd NEEL-pfehrt the hippopotamus
der Pinguin pin-GWEEN the penguin
der Plattfisch PLAHT-fish the flatfish
die Robbe ROH-buh the seal
der Rochen ROH-ken the ray fish
der Rotfeuerfisch ROHT-FOY-er-FISH the lionfish
der Schwertfisch SHVERHT-fish the swordfish
der Seehund ZAY-hoont the harbor seal
der Seeigel zee-EE-gel the sea urchin
der Seeotter ZEE-ohter the sea otter
der Seepferdchen zee-PFEHRD-chuhn the seahorse
der Seestern ZEE-shtehrn the starfish
der Stör SHTOER the sturgeon
der Thunfisch TOON-fish the tuna
der Tintenfisch TIN-ten-FISH the octopus
die Venusmuschel VEH-noos-MOO-shel the clam
der Wal VAHL the whale
das Walross VAL-ros the walrus
der Zackenbarsch TSAH-ken-BARSH the grouper
der Zwergwal TSVERKH-VAHL the pygmy whale

Animals from the savanna

The African savanna looks starkly different from Germany’s black forest, but you’ll still want to know the German words for Africa’s famous animals. Incorporate your next safari into your list of German phrases by studying this group of animals in German commonly found in the savanna. 

German Animal and Article Pronunciation English Translation
die Antilope AHN-tee-LOH-puh the antelope
der Beinenfresser BI-nen-fres-ser the bee-eater
der Büffel BOOH-fel the buffalo
das Dikdik DEEK-DEEK the dik-dik
der Elefant el-EH-FANT the elephant
das Erdferkel EHRT-FEHR-kel the aardvark
der Gepard GEH-pahrt the cheetah
die Giraffe gee-RAHF-fuh the giraffe
das Gnu GNOO the wildebeest
der Honigdachs HOH-nig-DACS the honey badger
der Hyänenhund hoo-YEH-nen-HOONT the African wild dog
die Hyäne hoo-YEH-nuh the hyena
der Ibis EE-bis the ibis
der Impala im-PAH-lah the impala
der Leopard LEH-oh-PAHRT the leopard
der Löwe LUH-vuh the lion
die Manguste mahn-GOOS-tuh the mongoose
die Marabu MAH-RAH-boo the marabou stork
das Nashorn NAHS-horn the rhinoceros
das Pangolin PHN-GO-lin the pangolin
der Pavian pah-VEE-ahn the baboon
der Perlhuhn PEHRL-hoon the guinea fowl
der Sekretärvogel ZEHK-reh-TAER-voh-gel the secretary bird
die Springmaus SHPRING-mows the jerboa
die Strauß STROUS the ostrich
das Stachelschwein STAH-hel-SHVINE the porcupine
der Termitenfresser tehr-MEE-ten-FRES-ser the termite eater
das Warzenschwein VAHRT-sen-SHVINE the warthog
der Wildhund VILT-hoont the wild dog
das Zebra TSEH-brah the zebra

Names for German animals in the rainforest

These German animal names come from the tropical, humid rainforests of the world. Many of them are comprised of German words that can seem comical at times, like Faultier (sloth) that literally means “lazy animal.” See if you can spot any other points of German humor in the list here:

German Animal and Article Pronunciation English Translation
die Anakonda AHN-ah-CON-dah the anaconda
der Aguti ah-GOO-tee the agouti
der Ameisenbär ah-MIGH-zen-BAEHR the anteater
der Anolis AH-noh-lis the anole
der Ara AH-rah the macaw
die Baumschlange BAWM-SHLAHN-guh the tree snake
der Brüllaffe BROOL-AH-fuh the howler monkey
der Capybara KAH-pee-BAH-rah the capybara
das Faultier FOWL-teer the sloth
der Frosch FROSH the frog
der Giftpfeilfrosch GIFT-pfyle-FROSH the poison dart frog
der Glühwürmchen GLOO-wuerm-chuhn the firefly
der Gorilla go-RIL-ah the gorilla
der Jaguar YAH-gwar the jaguar
der Kakadu KAH-KAH-DOO the cockatoo
der Klammeraffe CLAH-mer-AH-fuh the spider monkey
der Kolibri koh-LEE-bree the hummingbird
der Lemur LEH-moor the lemur
der Nacktmull NACT-mool the naked mole rat
der Orang-Utan or-ANG-YOU-tan the orangutan
der Ozelot OH-tseh-loht the ocelot
die Riesenschlange REE-zen-SHLANG-uh the boa constrictor
die Riesenvogelspinne REE-zen-foh-gel-SHPIN-neh the tarantula
der Schmetterling SHMEH-ter-ling the butterfly
der Sonnenbär ZOHN-en-BAEHR the sun bear
die Spitzmaus SHPITS-mous the shrew
der Tapir tah-PEER the tapir
der Termit tehr-MEET the termite
der Tiger TEE-ger the tiger
der Tukane too-KAH-neh the toucan
der Vampirfledermaus vahm-PEER-FLAY-der-mows the vampire bat
der Zitteraal TSEE-ter-ahl the electric eel
die Zwergameisenbär TSVERGH-ah-MY-zen-baehr silky anteater

Forest animals in German

Forests in Germany are rich with woodland populations thanks in part to the European beech tree, oaks, and pines. From squirrels to woodpeckers, the animals that live in German beech tree habitats play a vital role in maintaining ecological balance. Find out what other creatures rely on this bountiful tree and in the forests.

German Animal and Article Pronunciation English Translation
der Auerhahn OW-er-hahn the capercaillie (wood grouse)
der Bär BAEHR the bear
das Eichhörnchen EYEKH-hoern-chuhn the squirrel
der Elch ELSH the moose
der Fuchs FOOKS the fox
das Hirsch HEERSH the deer
der Igel EE-guhl the hedgehog
das Insekt in-ZEKT the insect
der Käfer KEH-fer the beetle
das Kitz KEETS the fawn
der Kuckuck KOO-koog the cuckoo
der Luchs LUHKS the lynx
der Marder MAHR-der the marten
der Maulwurf MOWL-vohrf the mole
die Meise MY-zuh the titmouse
der Rehbock RAY-bok buck (male deer)
der Salamander SAH-lah-MAHN-der the salamander
der Schakal SHAH-kahl the jackal
der Schwan SHVAHN the swan
die Spinne SHPINN-uh the spider
der Specht SHPEHCHT the woodpecker
das Stinktier SHTINK-teer the skunk
der Tarpan TEHR-pahn the wild horse
der Vielfraß FEEL-frahs the wolverine
die Waldameise VALD-ah-MY-zuh the wood ant
der Waldkauz VAHLT-kowts the tawny owl
der Waschbär VASH-bair the raccoon
die Wespe VES-puh the wasp
der Wolf VUHLF the wolf
die Wildkatze VILT-KAHT-tsuh the wildcat

With this handy list of over 200 animal names in German, you’ll significantly expand your vocabulary and have a great opportunity to put your knowledge of the German alphabet to practical use. If you’re looking to expand your German eloquence further, consider one of Rosetta Stone’s live lessons to go beyond vocabulary charts with experienced native speakers.

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