You don’t realize how many words you use daily until you start listing them. Building a strong foundation of basic Italian words and phrases is the smartest first step if you’re beginning your journey to learn Italian.
To make it easier for you, we’ve compiled over 280 Italian words that are indispensable for learning to speak Italian. Start now, and you’ll create a powerful vocabulary for everyday conversations in no time!
Table of Contents
Italian words for love and expressing feelings
If you’re a movie buff, you’ll surely remember the iconic Buongiorno, principessa! (Good morning, princess!) yelled by Roberto Benigni in his Oscar-winning film Life is Beautiful. This simple greeting is a pure expression of love. And that’s the thing—you can’t speak Italian without speaking about love because the language is full of words to express your feelings, whether for people or things.
Italian | English |
abbraccio/abbracciare | hug/to hug |
adorare | adore |
affetto | affection |
amore/amare | love/to love |
anima gemella | soulmate |
bacio/baciare | kiss/to kiss |
voler bene | to care for |
carezza/accarezzare | caress/to caress |
coccola/coccolare | cuddle/to cuddle |
compagno/a (m/f) | partner |
cuore | heart |
dolcezza | sweetness |
felicità | happiness |
fidanzato/a (m/f) | fiancé/fiancée |
ragazzo/a (m/f) | boyfriend/girlfriend |
innamorarsi | to fall in love |
innamorato/a (m/f) | in love |
passione | passion |
piacere | pleasure or to like |
sposo/a (m/f) | spouse |
tenerezza | tenderness |
tesoro | darling/treasure |
When it comes to expressing feelings, Italian words are very specific. They indicate how deep a feeling is and the type of relationship. Keep this distinction in mind to use the ideal Italian expression in every situation:
- Ti amo (I love you): It is used only for deep romantic love.
- Ti adoro (I adore you): It conveys strong affection or admiration but is less intense than ti amo and can be playful or casual.
- Ti voglio bene (I care about you): Use it for family members, close friends, or people in a non-romantic context. It expresses affection, not a romantic feeling.
- Piacere (to like): This is the most versatile among Italian words for love. Mi piaci (I like you) expresses romantic interest in someone in the early stages of a relationship. In addition to being a verb, piacere is also a noun that translates to “pleasure.” You can use it in many common Italian phrases:
- piacere = the pleasure (in a sexual context)
- Mi fa piacere. = I’m glad/I’m pleased.
- Per piacere, potrebbe… = Please, could you…
- Piacere di conoscerla. = Pleased to meet you.
- Il piacere è mio. = It is my pleasure. (Replying to “Pleased to meet you.”)
- Ma per piacere! = Oh, please!
Essential words in Italian for food and eating out
The list of Italian words for food is extensive. This basic selection includes the most common dishes, condiments, and cold cuts—perfect for making essential requests, like asking for sugar or sweetener for your Italian coffee or learning how to order food in Italian.
As you immerse yourself more, you can expand your vocabulary by trying new Italian dishes at restaurants, watching Italian cooking shows, or even recreating authentic Italian recipes at home. Sarà un modo delizioso per imparare! (It will be a delicious way to learn!).
Italian | English |
aceto/aceto balsamico | vinegar/balsamic vinegar |
acqua frizzante/acqua naturale | sparkling water/still water |
affettati | cold cuts |
antipasto | appetizer |
aperitivo | aperitif |
bruschetta | toasted bread with toppings |
burro | butter |
caffè | coffee |
carne | meat |
cibo vegano | vegan food |
cibo vegetariano | vegetarian food |
dolcificante | sweetener |
formaggio | cheese |
frittura | fried fish/seafood |
frutta | fruits |
gelato | ice cream |
latte | milk |
mortadella or Bologna | mortadella |
olio d’oliva | olive oil |
pane | bread |
parmigiano | Parmesan cheese |
pasta or pastasciutta | pasta |
pepe | pepper |
pesce | fish |
pizza | pizza |
polenta | polenta |
pollo | chicken |
pomodoro | tomato |
prosciutto cotto/prosciutto crudo | cooked ham/cured ham |
ragù | Bolognese sauce |
risotto | risotto |
salame | salami |
sale | salt |
senza glutine | gluten-free |
sugo | sauce (usually with tomato) |
tè | tea |
verdura | vegetable |
vino bianco/rosso/rosato | white/red/rosé wine |
zucchero | sugar |
Among all these culinary words, the aperitivo is Italians’ beloved one. It can be just a drink with olives or chips while waiting to sit in a restaurant. But if an Italian invites you to prendere un aperitivo (take an aperitif), it usually involves a lot of food, and it can even become an apericena (aperitif dinner). Learn more about the aperitivo meaning to fully embrace this important tradition.
Remember: Unlike in English, colors in Italian must always be written and pronounced after the noun they refer to. In poetry, this rule can be broken, but in spoken language, such inversion sounds overly formal and forced. Therefore, you’ll always say: il vino rosso (red wine), not il rosso vino.
Italian words for household items
When learning a language, the words we use in our everyday environment are some of the most useful to master. These terms will make it easier to talk about the spaces you live in—and maybe even help you during an Italian shopping spree for home goods!
Italian | English |
aria condizionata | air conditioning |
armadio | wardrobe |
bagno | bathroom |
bicchiere | glass |
caffettiera | coffee maker |
calice | wine glass |
coltello | knife |
coperta | blanket |
cucchiaino | teaspoon |
cucchiaio | spoon |
cuscino | pillow |
divano or sofà | sofa |
forchetta | fork |
frigorifero | refrigerator |
lampada | lamp |
lavandino | sink |
lavastoviglie | dishwasher |
lavatrice | washing machine |
letto | bed |
mensola | shelf |
microonde | microwave |
piatto | plate |
posate | cutlery |
sedia | chair |
stendino | clothes rack |
tappeto | rug |
tavolo | table |
termosifone | radiator |
tovaglia | tablecloth |
tovagliolo | napkin |
Words for family members
Mamma (mom) is one of the first words everyone learns, and it’s similar in many languages. But if you want to name other family members in a second language, things can get tricky. For example, the Italian word for “grandma” is nonna. So, let’s look at what you call your family members in Italian!
Italian | English |
cognato/cognata (m/f) | brother-in-law/sister-in-law |
cugino/cugina (m/f) | cousin |
famiglia | family |
figlio/figlia (m/f) | son/daughter |
fratello (m) | brother |
genitori (pl) | parents |
mamma/madre (f) | mom |
marito (m) | husband |
moglie (f) | wife |
nipote (m or f) | grandson/granddaughter or nephew/niece |
nonno/nonna (m/f) | grandpa/grandma |
papà/padre/babbo | dad |
parenti (pl) | relatives |
sorella (f) | sister |
suocero/suocera (m/f) | father-in-law/mother-in-law |
zio/zia (m/f) | uncle/aunt |
Key Italian words for telling the time
Learning numbers in Italian is essential. You’ll need to count at least up to twenty-four to express hours correctly, and even more, if you’re giving an address or discussing weights at an Italian farmers market.
But numbers alone aren’t enough to describe time! There are specific Italian words and phrases that you can use to clarify what part of the day you are talking about.
Italian | English |
del pomeriggio | in the afternoon |
di mattina | in the morning |
di notte | at night |
di sera | in the evening |
in punto | on the dot |
meno un quarto | a quarter to |
mezzanotte | midnight |
mezzo/mezza | half past |
mezzogiorno | midday/noon |
un quarto | a quarter past |
Italians divide the four parts of the day this way:
- mattina (morning): From around 5:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- pomeriggio (afternoon): From 12:00 p.m. to around 6:00 p.m.
- sera (evening): From 6:00 p.m. to around 11:00 p.m.
- notte (night): From 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.
These divisions can vary slightly depending on the region and season, as they are influenced by daylight and local habits.
Italian words for useful places when travelling
When traveling, you’ll want to know how to navigate the essentials and find your way to important places. Feel confident wherever you go with these and other Italian phrases useful for traveling to Tuscany or the Amalfi Coast.
Italian | English |
aeroporto | airport |
ambasciata | embassy |
ambulatorio medico | medical clinic |
autonoleggio | car rental |
banca | bank |
biblioteca | library |
biglietteria | ticket office |
carabinieri | carabinieri (Italian police) |
carroattrezzi | tow truck |
centro città | city center |
centro commerciale | shopping mall |
discoteca | discotheque |
farmacia | pharmacy |
fermata del taxi | taxi stop |
fermata dell’autobus | bus stop |
funivia | cable car |
hotel or albergo | hotel |
lungomare | seafront |
meccanico | mechanic |
mercato | market |
ospedale | hospital |
parco | park |
piazza | square |
piste da sci | ski slopes |
porto | port |
ristorante | restaurant |
spiaggia | beach |
stadio | stadium |
stazione | train station |
polizia | police |
supermercato | supermarket |
ufficio postale or posta | post office |
Words for occupations in Italian
Italian words for professions are essential—whether you’re talking about your job, asking someone what they do for a living, or looking for the best meccanico (mechanic) in town for your car.
Italian | English |
architetto (m or f) | architect |
artista (m or f) | artist |
autista (m or f) | driver |
avvocato/avvocatessa (m/f) | lawyer |
cameriere/cameriera (m/f) | waiter/waitress |
camionista (m or f) | truck driver |
commesso/commessa (m/f) | shop assistant |
contabile (m or f) | accountant |
cuoco/cuoca (m/f) | chef/cook |
dottore/dottoressa (m/f) | doctor |
farmacista (m or f) | pharmacist |
giornalista (m or f) | journalist |
infermiere/infermiera (m/f) | nurse |
ingegnere (m or f) | engineer |
insegnante (m or f) | teacher |
macellaio/macellaia (m/f) | butcher |
meccanico (m or f) | mechanic |
muratore (m or f) | bricklayer |
musicista (m or f) | musician |
parrucchiere/parrucchiera (m/f) | hairdresser |
poliziotto/poliziotta (m/f) | police officer |
pompiere (m or f) | firefighter |
tassista (m or f) | taxi driver |
verduriere/verduriera (m/f) | vegetable grocer |
Italian words for greetings and polite conversations
In Italy, being polite is considered a synonym for good manners. The first words and phrases you need to learn to navigate any Italian conversation are the Italian greetings, how to say “thank you” in Italian, and prego (you’re welcome).
With these simple Italian words and expressions, you will always give the best impression.
Italian | English |
arrivederci | goodbye |
Bene, grazie. | Fine, thank you. |
buonanotte | good night |
buonasera | good evening |
buongiorno | good morning |
ciao | hello/hi |
Come stai?/Come sta? | How are you? (informal/formal) |
grazie mille. | thank you very much |
grazie | thank you |
mi dispiace | I’m sorry |
Non c’è di che. | It’s nothing./Don’t mention it. |
per favore | please |
permesso | pardon me (when asking to pass by or for permission to enter) |
Piacere. | Nice to meet you. |
Prego. | You’re welcome. |
salve | hello (semi-formal) |
scusa/mi scusi | excuse me (informal/formal) |
Tutto bene? | Is everything fine? |
Words to describe clothing
You know how important it is to immerse yourself in Italian culture if you truly want to master the language. Even if you’re at home and exploring the best wineries in Tuscany isn’t in your immediate plans, you can still embrace small Italian traditions like practicing the passeggiata. These leisurely, enjoyable walks after meals or on weekends are a perfect way to relax and see your surroundings—even your own neighborhood—in a new light.
As you prepare to head out, ask yourself: Oggi cosa mi metto? (What should I wear today?). Challenge yourself to name each item of clothing in Italian. This fun and engaging exercise will help you reinforce your vocabulary.
Italian | English |
abito | dress or suit |
ballerine | ballet flats |
boxer | boxers |
calze | socks |
camicia | shirt |
canottiera | tank top |
cappello | hat |
cappotto | coat |
completo | suit |
cravatta | tie |
felpa | sweatshirt |
giacca | jacket |
gonna | skirt |
guanti | gloves |
maglietta | t-shirt |
maglione | sweater |
mutande | underwear |
occhiali | glasses |
pantaloncini | shorts |
pantaloni | pants |
(pantaloni) jeans | jeans |
pigiama | pajamas |
piumino | down jacket |
sandali | sandals |
scarpe | shoes |
sciarpa | scarf |
stivali | boots |
t-shirt | t-shirt |
vestito | dress |
Italian words to describe actions
Now it’s time to dive into the words that form the core of every sentence: verbs. Actions, feelings, thoughts, and intentions all come to life through Italian verbs, shaping sentences and giving them meaning.
Italian | English |
amare | to love |
andare | to go |
avere | to have |
baciare | to kiss |
bere | to drink |
comprare | to buy |
dare | to give |
desiderare | to desire |
dire | to say/to tell |
dormire | to sleep |
dovere | to have to/must |
essere | to be |
fare | to do/to make |
imparare | to learn |
lavorare | to work |
leggere | to read |
mangiare | to eat |
parlare | to speak |
potere | to be able to/can |
ritornare | to come back |
salutare | to greet |
sapere | to know (information) |
scrivere | to write |
sedersi | to sit |
sognare | to dream |
studiare | to study |
tornare | to return |
uscire | to go out |
vedere | to see |
venire | to come |
viaggiare | to travel |
vivere | to live |
volere | to want |
Quick tips to understand Italian verbs
The chart shows the infinitive form of verbs, which corresponds to the “to+verb” structure in English. All Italian verbs end with specific suffixes that group them into three main conjugations:
- Italian verbs ending in -are (first conjugation)
- Italian verbs ending in -ere (second conjugation)
- Italian verbs ending in -ire (third conjugation)
These three groups determine how regular verbs are conjugated. Regular verbs follow predictable patterns where the suffix changes based on the verb’s mood, tense, and the person acting.
Conjugations also include irregular verbs, which don’t follow these patterns and, sometimes, change the root. The first conjugation has only a few irregular verbs, but the number increases in the other two conjugations.
The verbs essere (to be) and avere (to have) are among the most essential irregular verbs to learn. Like in English, they are crucial when used as standalone and auxiliary verbs to form compound tenses. For example:
- Loro sono bravi. = They are good.
- Sono (auxiliar) uscito di casa presto. = I left the house early.
Funny Italian words
Some Italian words are so unique that they even sound funny to native Italian speakers. Learning them will be a fantastic addition to your daily conversations in Italian and a great way to challenge your pronunciation skills.
Italian | English |
apericena | aperitif-dinner |
attaccabrighe | troublemaker |
bacherozzo | bug |
battiscopa | baseboard |
bauscia | smooch |
bazzecola | triviality |
chiacchierare | to chat |
cianfrusaglia | knick-knack |
fantasmini | invisible ankle socks (lit. little ghosts) |
farabutto/farabutta (m/f) | scoundrel |
farfallone | womanizer (lit. big butterfly) |
farlocco/farlocca | fake |
frignone | crybaby |
frottola | fib |
gattabuia | jail |
gattamorta | shallow person (lit.dead cat) |
incasinato | messed up |
manicaretto | tasty dish |
marmocchio/marmocchia (m/f) | brat |
merendina | snack |
paccottiglia | tat |
paffutello/paffutella (m/f) | chubby |
pasticcione/pasticciona (m/f) | bungler |
pelandrone/pelandrona (m/f) | slacker |
pennichella | nap |
peripezia | troubled adventure |
pettegolezzo | gossip |
pisolino | nap |
scansafatiche | lazybones (lit. fatigue dodger) |
scioglilingua | tongue twister |
Knowing lots of Italian words isn’t enough to truly communicate. Mastering Italian grammar rules is essential to use these words accurately, as many play different roles in sentences, and they can act as Italian nouns, Italian verbs, or adjectives.
Choose a proven method that guides you through every step of your learning journey. Rosetta Stone offers a dynamic Immersion method with lessons that take just 10 minutes, helping you start speaking Italian right from the first session.
It also features the TruAccent speech recognition engine, a powerful tool for perfecting your Italian pronunciation. This is a great help for making progress and avoiding attorcigliarsi la lingua (tongue-twisting) when pronouncing those fun but tricky words.
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