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Your Essential Spanish Action Verbs List

Verbs are the heart of a sentence: Spanish action verbs tell you what’s happening, what happened, or what will happen. Learning as many verbs as possible can open up your ability to communicate with dynamic and expressive sentences. See how many of these essential verbs you recognize! 

What is an action verb? 

Commonly defined as “action words,” verbs are one of the vital parts of speech in Spanish. Quite often they tell us what action the subject is doing, but there are other categories of verbs that don’t quite fit that definition. Let’s differentiate between action verbs and non-action verbs.  

As with English action verbs, Spanish action verbs tell you what the subject is doing. This action could be a mental action. Action verbs, such as trabajar (to work), can be easy to recognize because they often evoke a mental picture of the action taking place.

  • Jessie trabaja el sábado por la mañana. = Jessie works on Saturday morning. 

Stative verbs are non-action verbs that express a state of being, thought, emotion, or relationship. 

  • Jessie es trabajadora. = Jessie is a hard worker. 

Auxiliary verbs (or “helping verbs) are non-action verbs that are paired with another main verb in the sentence. They work differently in English and in Spanish, but in both cases, they allow another verb to be expressed in a different way, such as other Spanish verb tenses

  • Jessie no está trabajando ahora.= Jessie isn’t working right now. 
  • Jessie ha trabajado cinco horas. = Jessie has worked five hours.

What are the types of Spanish action verbs? 

Because Spanish action verbs are essential to your sentences, and they can be categorized in a few ways to make it easier to remember how to use them.

  • -AR, -ER, and -IR verbs: These groups of verbs are categorized by their infinitive ending and help when learning conjugation or changing this ending to indicate verb tense, mood, and subject. 
  • Regular and irregular Spanish verbs: Regular verbs follow predictable patterns in a certain tense, whereas irregular verbs will have changes in their forms, or might be entirely unique in their conjugations. The most common irregular Spanish verbs are both action verbs and non-action verbs.
  • Reflexive verbs in Spanish: The subject of the sentence (the “doer” of the action) is also the object of the sentence (the “receiver” of the action). In Spanish, these verbs use specific reflexive pronouns to show this relationship. 

>>Learn eight more essential Spanish grammar rules to master Spanish sentence structure. 

Examples of Spanish action verbs in sentences

Here are a few examples of the types of verbs you can use to communicate in Spanish. 

  • Mi abuela sabe textear, tuitear, y chatear. = My grandmother knows how to text, tweet, and chat
  • La casa está limpia y tranquila, así que pronto mis hijos van a aparecer, encender todo, mover muchas cosas, y no devolver nada. = The house is clean and calm, so soon my children are going to appear, turn everything on, move a lot of things, and not return anything. 
  • Es importante decir la verdad y no mentir. = It is important to tell the truth and not lie
  • Los futbolistas deben correr, marcar, y luego defender! = The soccer players must run, score, and then defend
  • Ahora tengo que arreglar mi cuarto, cortar el césped, y secar la ropa. = Now I have to tidy my room, mow the lawn, and dry the clothes.  
  • Buscamos participantes que quieran bailar, cantar, y actuar para la comedia musical. = We are looking for participants who want to dance, sing, and act for the musical. 
  • Para ahorrar dinero, es importante depositar más que vas a gastar! = To save money, it’s important to deposit more than you are going to spend

You can learn more verbs intuitively by using Rosetta Stone’s Dynamic Immersion method, where you’ll see verbs within sentences, stories, and more!

Spanish action verbs ending in -AR 

This is the largest group of action verbs in Spanish and also the group with the lowest number of irregular verbs. When new verbs enter the lexicon due to emerging technology, they usually end up in this group. 

Each action verb ending in -AR is listed in its infinitive form—the unchanged, not conjugated, or “dictionary” form.

Spanish English
alcanzar to reach
andar to walk
apagar to turn off (lights, etc) 
ayudar to help
bajar to lower / to get off (bus, train)
buscar to look for
dar to give
dejar to leave / to stop
encontrar to find
entrar to enter
enviar to send
hablar to speak / to talk
intentar to try / to attempt
llamar to call
llevar to bring / to carry
llorar to cry
mirar to look at, to watch
pasar to pass / to spend
presentar to introduce
prestar to borrow / to lend
regresar to come back
trabajar to work
usar / utilizar to use

Spanish action verbs ending in -ER

Another group of verbs in Spanish are those with the -ER ending. This group will follow different patterns than the -AR group.

Spanish English
aparecer to appear
caerse to fall
crecer to grow
devolver to return (something) 
encender to turn on (lights, etc) 
hacer to do / to make
mover to move
nacer to be born
obtener to obtain
proteger to protect
traer to bring
ver to see
volver to come back 

Spanish action verbs ending in -IR

The group of action verbs ending in -IR includes many important and common action verbs in Spanish. 

Spanish English
compartir to share
conducir to drive
conseguir to achieve / to obtain
construir to construct / to build
convertir to convert
cubrir to cover
decir to say
descubrir to discover
despedir to say goodbye to
destruir to destroy
dormir to sleep
ir to go
medir to measure
mentir to lie
morir to die
producir to produce
recibir to receive
reír to laugh
repetir to repeat
seguir to follow
sonreír to smile
venir to come

Spanish action verbs for sports and activities

Game on! These action verbs in Spanish will be helpful when discussing sports and other physical activities, whether you are a participant or a fan! 

Spanish English
animar to cheer / to encourage
caminar to walk
correr to run
defender to defend
empatar to tie / to even the score
ganar to win
gritar to yell / to shout
jugar to play
lanzar to throw / to pitch
marcar to score
montar (en bicicleta, en caballo) to ride (a bike, a horse)
nadar to swim
participar to participate
patear to kick
perder to lose
practicar to practice
saltar to jump
surfear to surf
tirar to throw

Spanish action verbs for chores and household routines

These day-to-day actions are easily expressed using Spanish action verbs.  

Spanish English
arreglar to repair / to tidy up
barrer to sweep
cortar to cut
doblar to fold
fregar to scrub / to mop
lavar to wash
limpiar to clean
ordenar / organizar to organize
pasar (la aspiradora) to vacuum
planchar to iron
poner to put / to set
quitar to remove
recoger to pick up / to tidy
sacar to take out
secar to dry

Spanish action verbs for travel 

Use these Spanish action verbs to talk about travel and transportation, whether you’re getting directions or boarding a flight to your next destination. ¡Buen viaje! (Have a great trip!)

Spanish English
abrir to open
aterrizar to land (a plane)
caminar to walk
cancelar to cancel
cerrar to close
confirmar to confirm
cruzar to cross
despegar to take off (a plane) 
doblar / girar to turn (left / right)
embarcar to board
facturar to check in
Hospedarse/quedarse/alojarse to stay (at a lodging)
llegar to arrive
manejar to drive
parar to stop
reservar to reserve
salir to depart / to leave / to go out
tomar to take
viajar to travel
visitar to visit
volar to fly

Spanish action verbs for food and eating

Meal-taking in Spanish involves several specific verbs. Use these action verbs for ordering food in Spanish or discussing your meal plans. ¡Buen provecho! (Enjoy your meal!)

Spanish English
almorzar to have lunch
beber to drink
calentar to heat up
cenar to have dinner
cocinar to cook
comer to eat
desayunar to have breakfast
llenar to fill
merendar to have a snack
ofrecer to offer
ordenar to order
pedir to ask for
preparar to prepare
probar to taste / to sample
recomendar to recommend
servir to serve
tomar to have / to drink 

Spanish action verbs for arts and entertainment

This list of action verbs in Spanish will unlock a variety of entertainment options and hobbies, both as a fan and a participant. 

Spanish English
actuar to act
asistir to attend
bailar to dance
cantar to sing
crear to create
dibujar to draw
ensayar to rehearse
esculpir to sculpt
estrenar to premier
grabar to record
pintar to paint
presentar to present
representar to portray
tocar to play (an instrument) 

Spanish action verbs for money and shopping

Use these Spanish action verbs to talk about finances and transactions. 

Spanish English
ahorrar to save
alquilar to rent
cambiar to exchange
comprar to buy
contar to count
contratar to hire
costar to cost
depositar to deposit
gastar to spend
ofrecer to offer
pagar to pay
recibir to receive
regalar to give as a gift
regatear to bargain / to negotiate
retirar / sacar to withdraw
vender to sell

Action verbs to help you learn Spanish

Action verbs can help you start your language-learning journey. Rosetta Stone’s live lessons help you put what you’ve learned into practice and introduce you to even more Spanish action verbs

Use these words to talk about your efforts and successes as you learn Spanish.

Spanish English
aprender to learn
contestar to answer
corregir to correct
decir to say
enseñar to teach / to show
escribir to write
escuchar to listen to
explicar to explain
hablar to speak
identificar to identify
leer to read
memorizar to memorize
preguntar to ask 
traducir to translate

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