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6 Easy-to-Remember Gender Rules for Mastering Spanish Grammar

New Spanish learners are often confused by the concept of masculine and feminine nouns. How can a table be feminine? And why in the world is a book masculine? Grammatical gender is simply a way of categorizing nouns, but it’s an essential part of the Spanish language.

If you’re a beginning Spanish learner, you might feel intimidated by Spanish gender rules. For now, try not to worry; it really does get easier the more you practice! And if you want to master Spanish faster and without tedious memorization, Rosetta Stone can help. 

We’ve compiled some easy-to-remember rules to help you master Spanish gender. They include:

  • Nouns that end in “o” are usually masculine
  • Nouns that end in “a” are usually feminine
  • Some nouns break the “o” and “a” rules
  • Nouns that end in “dad,” “tud,” “sión,” or “ción” are feminine
  • Nouns that end in “ama” or “ema” are often masculine
  • Mixed groups are masculine

To better understand those rules, we’ll first take a look at how gender affects noun, article, and adjective usage. Let’s dive into masculine and feminine in Spanish!

Why is gender important in Spanish?

In Spanish, every single thing—from the physical (fruit) to the abstract (state of being content)—is expressed as either masculine or feminine. Although Spanish gender rules might seem arbitrary to beginning learners, it’s a necessary part of the Spanish language.

Spanish-speaking cultures assign gender to many objects and concepts that are neutral in English. Understanding and respecting this difference is important for effective communication and cultural sensitivity. Learning and correctly using Spanish gender rules will help you engage more deeply with Spanish-speaking people and express yourself clearly.

Gender affects the endings and forms of many words in Spanish. For example, adjectives and articles change their forms depending on whether the noun they describe is masculine or feminine. It’s easiest to learn the gender of each word along with its meaning. 

We have six easy-to-remember grammatical gender rules to help you master Spanish.

Understanding gendered nouns in Spanish

One of the first things to understand about Spanish gender is that living creatures and nonliving objects are all categorized as masculine or feminine in Spanish.

We don’t use grammatical gender in English, so it might seem arbitrary or even illogical if English is your first language. However, gender is an integral part of the Spanish language and can’t be avoided.

If you’re talking about a person or an animal, assigned grammatical gender often matches biological gender. So “female cat” is gata, and “male cat” is gato. “Female friend” is amiga, and “male friend” is amigo.

What about inanimate objects like a desk or a table? In English, we don’t think of inanimate objects as being gendered, but in Spanish, every single thing has gender. So “desk” is masculine (escritorio) and “table” is feminine (mesa).

Keep in mind that each noun has its own gender, and—most importantly—an object’s gender doesn’t change depending on who owns it or uses it. For example, maquillaje (makeup) is a masculine word even though makeup is often used by a woman. Corbata (necktie) is a feminine word even though a necktie is usually thought of as men’s clothing. 

>>Need a primer? Get familiar with basic Spanish vocab! 

Understanding gendered articles in Spanish

An article and its noun must match in gender and number. 

This is known as agreement. Agreement just means that the article changes its form to match the noun’s masculine or feminine gender and singular or plural status.

Gendered articles are an essential and unavoidable part of Spanish. There are two kinds of articles: definite articles and indefinite articles. Definite articles refer to specific nouns (i.e. “the plate”), and indefinite articles refer to non-specific or general nouns (i.e. “a plate”).

Applying gender rules to definite articles in Spanish: 

“The” is a definite article. 

El is the definite article used with masculine singular nouns, and los is used with masculine plural nouns. 

  • el plato = the plate
  • el niño = the boy
  • los platos = the plates
  • los niños = the boys

La is the definite article used with feminine singular nouns, and las is used with feminine plural nouns.

  • la casa = the house
  • la puerta = the door
  • las casas = the houses
  • las puertas = the doors

Applying gender rules to indefinite articles in Spanish

“A,” “an,” and “some,” are indefinite articles. 

Un is the indefinite article used with masculine singular nouns, and it means “a” or “an.” For example, un libro = a book. Unos is used with masculine plural nouns, and it means “some.”

  • un plato = a plate
  • un niño = a boy
  • unos platos = some plates
  • unos niños = some boys

Una is the definite article used with feminine singular nouns, and it means “a” or “an.” For example, una niña = a girl. Unas is used with feminine plural nouns, and it means “some.”

  • una casa = a house
  • una puerta = a door
  • una casas = some houses
  • una puertas = some doors

There are some exceptions and irregularities in gender agreement that you should be aware of. Because of that, it’s best to verify the noun’s gender when you’re learning its meaning. Some nouns have a different gender than might be expected based on their endings or meaning.

Understanding gendered adjectives in Spanish

Adjectives and articles behave in the same way. A Spanish adjective must match the gender and number of the noun it’s describing. If the noun is masculine and plural, then its adjective has to be masculine and plural, too. 

It’s important to understand gendered adjectives so you can correctly describe things in Spanish. Here are some examples to show you how Spanish adjectives work:

Masculine adjectives often end in “o”

For example, alto = tall, and it’s used to describe a singular masculine noun like hombre (“man”). When you put them together, you could say:

el hombre alto = the tall man

When you’re describing a plural masculine noun, just add the plural ending to the adjective. So when you’re describing hombres (“men”), you could say:

unos hombres altos = some tall men

Feminine adjectives often end in “a”

For example, baja = short, and you can use it to describe a singular feminine noun like chica (“girl”). When you put them together, you could say:

una chica baja = a short girl

When you’re describing a plural feminine noun, add the plural ending to the adjective. To describe chicas (“girls”), you could say:

las chicas bajas = the short girls

¡OJO! (That’s slang for “watch out” in Spanish!) 

Some adjectives have irregular forms and don’t follow the typical “o” or “a” endings. For example, trabajador = hardworking (singular male), and trabajadora = hardworking (singular female). You’ll learn these irregular Spanish adjectives as you go along.

Rules for masculine and feminine nouns in Spanish

Spanish nouns are categorized as either masculine or feminine for grammatical purposes. The gender category determines the forms of articles, adjectives and pronouns that accompany the noun. There are general rules to help you identify the gender of nouns based on word endings, but it’s important to know that there are exceptions to these patterns. 

Here are some Spanish gender rules to know.

1. Nouns that end in “o” are usually masculine

Nouns that end in “o,” like bolso, camino, and carro are typically masculine.

Spanish English
un libro a book
un niño a boy
un perro a male dog
un cuaderno a notebook

2. Nouns that end in “a” are usually feminine

Nouns that end in “a,” like camisa, corbata, and pluma are typically feminine.

Spanish English
una casa a house
una silla a chair
una amiga a female friend
una maleta a suitcase

3. Some nouns break the “o” and “a” rules

Rules for Spanish grammar are routinely documented and regulated by the Real Academia Española. Even so, it’s also a living language that’s constantly evolving. Sometimes you’ll find that something doesn’t follow the rules you’ve learned. 

There are some exceptions to the “o” and “a” rules, and a Spanish-English dictionary or vocabulary list will note if a word is an exception. With practice, you’ll learn the most common exceptions in no time. 

For example, día, mapa, and planeta all end in “a,” but they’re masculine nouns. Similarly, foto, mano, and radio end in “o,” but they’re feminine. 

In some cases, there’s a logical reason for the exception.

For example, foto is short for fotografía in the same way that “photo” is short for “photograph” in English. The word fotografía ends in “a” and is feminine. When Spanish-speakers shortened fotografía to foto, the word remained feminine.

El microondas (“microwave”) is short for el horno microondas (“microwave oven”), and that’s why it’s treated as a masculine singular noun even though microondas ends in “as.”

Spanish English
el día the day
el mapa the map
el planeta the planet 
la foto the photo
la mano the hand
la radio the radio

4. Nouns that end in “-dad,” “-tud,” “-sión,” or “-ción” are feminine

Spanish words that end in “-dad,” “-tud,” “sión,” or “ción” are always feminine. Some examples are below.

Spanish English
la ciudad the city
la actitud the attitude
la conversación the conversation
la prisión the prison

5. Nouns that end in “-ama” or “-ema” are often masculine

Many Spanish words that end in “-ama” or “-ema” started out as Greek words. When Spanish-speakers adopted these words from Greek hundreds of years ago, they were categorized as masculine words in Spanish.

Spanish English
el programa the program
el diagrama the diagram
el problema the problem
el sistema the system

6. Mixed groups are masculine

A mixed group of masculine and feminine nouns is considered masculine for grammatical purposes, no matter what the male-to-female ratio is. For example,

  • 1 niño + 2 niñas = 3 niños                  1 boy + 2 girls = 3 children
  • 30 gatos + 12 gatas = 42 gatos          30 male cats + 12 female cats = 42 cats
  • 1 perro + 199 perras = 200 perros     1 male dog + 199 female dogs = 200 dogs

Remember Spanish gender rules easily with Rosetta Stone

These rules will help you understand the masculine and feminine in Spanish, but practice and exposure to Spanish are crucial. As you progress in your Spanish language learning journey, you’ll become much more comfortable with Spanish gender rules!

With Rosetta Stone, you can say goodbye to memorization. Instead, Rosetta Stone’s Dynamic Immersion method will give maximum exposure to your new language, with audio spoken by native speakers and pictures to help you connect words with their meaning. Everything is presented in Spanish, providing a truly immersive experience as if you were living abroad. Plus, you’ll get immediate feedback every time with TruAccent, helping you sound more like a local. 

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Written by Laura Skidmore

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